About OTC CatchUp
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OTC CatchUps are weekly informal sessions involving project showcases and technical discussions. They are held every Saturday from 10:30 PM IST. Join in!. For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary. |
OTC CatchUp #105
Date: 12-11-2022
Duration: 4 hrs 10 mins
Topics Discussed
OTC CatchUp completes 2 years 🥳
Dhiraj Chauhan shared his experience as a panelist in the discussions at HackTheLeague conducted in Mumbai.
He also pointed out how many discussions tend to avoid talking about failures.
Failures could be a great learning experience and should be discussed.
Prathik Shetty shared a tweet referencing this talk.
Anushka Bhagchandani, Dheeraj Lalwani and Pranav Dani talked about Twitter’s current situation and how not addressing them is having catastrophic effects on the stock market for companies due to scams.
The policy of paying $8 for account verification leads to "Blue tick scams" where fake replicas of accounts tweeting wrong information dwindle the company’s reputation and stock value.
This issue creates obscurity in who one is supposedly following.
The Accessibility team was fired along with many other important teams.
Chiranjeev Srivastava shared his experiences with communities and how he wants to create a precedent for students in Lucknow.
We talked about how signing bonds for companies might be illegal.
Chiranjeev Srivastava shared that he was placed at his company with a training period of 3 months and hasn’t been asked to sign a bond yet.
He also talked about how he feels that metros seem to be more privileged in terms of opportunities.
While location can provide some benefits initially, skills tend to overpower the parameter of location over a longer period.
Tushar Nankani talked about how "connections" as a term while talking about meetups feels a bit artificial since it should be a byproduct of getting to know a person as a "friend".
Although LinkedIn is a platform for connections, it skimps on the part of creating friends.
We talked about how one could access Twitter to learn something new.
Reference: Summary from the last CatchUp.
We discussed the feature of announcement channels introduced in WhatsApp and issues that could be potentially worked upon.
It links multiple groups together and doesn’t provide the feature of keeping private groups which could be useful for admins.
Telegram currently provides a feature to integrate APIs with bots which are helpful for the automation of regular tasks.
WhatsApp web and the desktop app for windows feel incomplete with many broken and unpolished features.
Jaden Furtadotalked about his experience around CTF embedded security
His team stood eighth in the competition. Link to the tweet.
He also shared some interesting questions that were asked in the test.
Questions had embedded passwords in some form.
Some had passwords embedded in MP3 waveform which he deciphered using Audacity.
Some passwords were reverse-engineered in the executable file.
Some were also hidden under a seemingly innocuous executable file which was deciphered using the file command.
He shared a telnet-based problem, where the username was supposed to be sent as a request to the open port which he sent using flask.
Pranav Dani shared a Telnet command for Star Wars in cmd.
Chiranjeev Srivastava shared a similar type of competition that was conducted at his college where the student had to guess the code using output.
No test case was provided.
Input and output is the only thing provided, based on which the student had to guess the code.
Sample file for the same.
Darshan Rander shared his a [blog](https://blog.darshanrander.com/posts/diary/otc-and-me/) where he wrote about his experience and learning with OTC.
Chiranjeev Srivastava talked about an accident detection and prevention system based on OpenCV for his IoT project.
Saket Thota talked about his BE project where he wanted to decide to scale his projects.
He thought of using AWS for React and Deep learning projects.
Pranav Dani suggested that scaling should start when the number of users increases beyond the capacity of the free tier for any hosting platform.
Jaden Furtadosuggested writing it in the form of microservices and making each of the services asynchronous.
Pranav Dani suggested thodinproject.com to Chiranjeev Srivastava for learning react and web development.
We talked about the effects of the recession in India based on its dependence on countries.
Pranav Dani shared how uploading an mp4 or mkv video format file takes a long time to upload on google drive, whereas uploading the same file with a random renamed extension takes very less time.
Jaden Furtadosuggested that this was a case of mime file type where google avoids further scanning of the file and Hardik suggested that it just adds it to the drive without bothering about its playability.
Jaden Furtadoexplained the process of data transmission over the network and how anomaly or noise is expected in such transmissions since one cannot send complete data over the air.
He talked about the journey of electric waves where multiple data streams are combined into a Fourier transform and then smashed into a single sine wave stream and sent over the network.
PDF file format was discussed and he said that most PDF tools do not follow this structure.
Projects Showcased
Jaden Furtadoshowcased his project Static Analysis which identifies and records vulnerabilities in the code on GitHub or GitLab.
It was built with scaling in mind.
He used celery for task queueing and processing sequentially.
Meet Screenshot

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For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary. |
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