About OTC CatchUp
OTC CatchUps are weekly informal sessions involving project showcases and technical discussions. They are held every Saturday from 10:30 PM IST. Join in!. For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary. |
OTC CatchUp #18
Date: 13-03-2021
Duration: 5 hr 30 min
Topics Discussed
General introductions
@Harsh Kapadia talked about Grab Chai, a fun initiative to meet strangers and have conversations with them.
@Chirag Nayyar asked about gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) and @Harsh Kapadia and @Jai Kumar Dewani tried to explain what it is. For anyone who is interested in learning about gRPC:
Protocol Buffer (Protobuf) Crash Course (prerequisite)
@Jai Kumar Dewani and @Pranav Dani told us about their interview experiences.
Ashfaq asked for platforms to look for StartUp internships. Platforms suggested: AngelList, Growjo, etc.
@Jay Kaku talked about quite a few things! It was amazing to see him finally speak up! :fire:
He talked about React.js state management and Redux Saga.
He posed a question on how people become aware of new technologies, to which @Harsh Kapadia had an answer:
Keep exploring and making projects.
Attend MeetUps (Listed in the #events stream.)
Network with people on social media, especially Twitter.
He had a problem where he is locked out of his mobile, so @Kartik Soneji, @Pranav Dani, @Urmil Shroff, @Sreekaran Srinath and @Hardik Raheja were trying to help him.
He talked about how NPTEL courses are an underrated resource for learning hardware. He liked MIT OCW courses as well.
We talked about the unfortunate Zomato incident.
@Pranav Dani coincidently talked about Pi (3.14 or 22/7) on Pi Day (14th March).
Projects Showcased
@Harsh Kapadia showed an amazing portfolio site: https://logartis.info, which uses Three.js and WebGL to generate an amazing experience! (Credits for Tweet: @Saurabh Daware)
@Sreekaran Srinath's portfolio site: https://skrn.ml
@Sreekaran Srinath's Roll Ricks Not Joints project, which is an extension that redirects people to the Rick Astley 'Never Gonna Give You Up' music video on clicking on any link on the page. (Project demo)
Meet Screenshot
For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary. |
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