About OTC CatchUp

Note OTC CatchUps are weekly informal sessions involving project showcases and technical discussions. They are held every Saturday from 10:30 PM IST. Join in!.
For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary.

OTC CatchUp #22

Date: 10-04-2021

Duration: 5 hr 45 min

Topics Discussed

  • @Himanshu Sharma shared his portfolio site made using Flutter web.

  • How colleges are making students suffer during these times as well.

  • We discussed about the never-ending war of what we should do first DSA(Competetive programming) or Development.

  • @Himanshu Sharma shared his experience with GSSoC 2020 and how disappointed he is with the current year’s management.

  • We also talked about another issue faced in the life of student, i.e. whether they should go for post-graduation or placements.

  • @sirus pointed out how slowly RazorPay is working on their plugin for Flutter.

  • @sirus also pointed out how Flutter team is trying to pushing their plugins for community to maintain it.

  • We helped @Pranav Dani to choose which development he should go ahead with(we landed on the decision that he should continue with web dev).

  • @Himanshu Sharma also shared his analysis of what requirements companies generally have while hiring a flutter dev and what is the current market position for devs.

Meet Screenshot

Meet #22 screenshot

Note For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary.

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We rise by lifting others.
— Robert Ingersoll
Kindness always wins.
— Selena Gomez
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller