About OTC CatchUp

Note OTC CatchUps are weekly informal sessions involving project showcases and technical discussions. They are held every Saturday from 10:30 PM IST. Join in!.
For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary.

OTC CatchUp #43

Date: 04-09-2021

Duration: 11 hr

Topics Discussed

Projects Showcased

  • @Hriday Keswani showcased his 9x9 TicTacToe Android game he made using Java. (GitHub)

  • @Rishav Thakur showcased

  • @ishandeveloper is an inetrn at HackerRank and he showcased the HackerRank interns web site made using Three.js and React.js. It is CRAZY amazing! (Web site)

  • @Shreesh Srivastava showcased his portfolio. (Portfolio)

  • Deepankar Bhade showcased Chloromaps, which helps develop and ship Choropleth Maps faster. (Web app)

  • Ashfaq showcased

    • His project Curate, which makes it easy to share resources and roadmaps with a clean UI. (Web app)

    • PodcastKeep, a web app that allows one to take notes in Markdown while listening to a podcast. (Web app)

Meet Screenshot

Meet #43 screenshot

Note For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary.

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We rise by lifting others.
— Robert Ingersoll
Kindness always wins.
— Selena Gomez
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller