About OTC CatchUp
OTC CatchUps are weekly informal sessions involving project showcases and technical discussions. They are held every Saturday from 10:30 PM IST. Join in!. For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary. |
OTC CatchUp #58
Date: 18-12-2021
Duration: 4 hrs 48 mins
Topics Discussed
General introductions.
Log4j 2 vulnerability
Dheeraj Lalwani told everyone about his recent internship interview.
Harsh Kapadia shared the news that he was finally a GitHub Campus Expert and praised the program’s extensive training phase.
Rishit Dagli, Viranchee Lotia and Harsh Kapadia discussed about foreign admissions.
Bloom Filters
A rapid and space-efficient probabilistic data structure that tells us that an element is either definitely not in a set or may be in the set.
Dheeraj Lalwani shared a blog on Bloom Filters.
Harsh Kapadia explained what clickjacking is.
Jaden Furtado shared an article discussing Clickjacking.
Jaden Furtado asked everyone if they had worked with Windows 32 APIs and had a discussion about it with Sanni Prasad.
Sanni Prasad shared his ideas on the Motion and Object Detection and discussed their working and potential project ideas to implement them.
Sanni Prasad shared a project idea which aims at enhancing Indian Government Online forms and standardizing them with the world.
Anil Harwani discussed Spectre and Meltdown, which are known hardware vulnerabilities in modern processors.
Anil Harwani also explained what Speculative Execution is.
We discussed the String Comparison Attack.
Anil Harwani suggested hosting a website from homes using one’s own IP address and opening up ports to receive requests.
We talked about LAMP, WAMP and XAMPP servers and the reason behind X in the name XAMPP.
The L in LAMP stands for Linux, the W in WAMP stands for Windows and the X in XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform.
Anil Harwani suggested avoiding dependencies as far as possible while writing code. He also shared the hilarious motherfuckingwebsite.com.
Krishna Gadia, Omkar Khair and Anil Harwani discussed a task which Krishna was working on at his workplace and talked about BinLog, database snapshots and their usage.
We discussed the architecture and purpose of OLAP and OLTP databases.
We talked about The Missing Semester of Your CS Education.
Anil Harwani told everyone that one part of his daily job includes writing scaffolding software for debugging (which is later discarded) and how he is wired for Bash Programming.
We talked about Stream Table Duality in Apache Kafka.
Darshan Rander and Sanni Prasad discussed how banking applications usually prefer native technologies over cross-platform technologies due to native security features and how those native security features could be used by cross-platform technologies over a native bridge.
Anil Harwani shared a talk on Breaking the x86 Instruction Set.
Dheeraj Lalwani asked Anil Harwani how he ended up in the Hardware domain.
Dheeraj Lalwani spoke to Anil Harwani about Robotics and discussed what went into making Roomba, a simple vacuum cleaning robot.
Meet Screenshot
For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary. |
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