About OTC CatchUp

Note OTC CatchUps are weekly informal sessions involving project showcases and technical discussions. They are held every Saturday from 10:30 PM IST. Join in!.
For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary.

OTC CatchUp #72

Date: 26-03-2022

Duration: 5 hrs

Topics Discussed

  • General introductions.

  • We spoke about the Smart India Hackathon, and several people showcased their projects. (please see the projects section)

  • We had a discussion on the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), and how it’s a great way for beginners to get started with open source, and work with some of the most knowledgeable people in the industry.

  • Siddharth Bhatia asked what is Kubernetes and Sreekaran Srinath talked about it.

  • We briefly touched upon the difference between certificates and certifications, and why professional certifications from reputed organizations can be helpful to one’s career.

    • Kartik Soneji said he did not recommend taking these exams (AWS/GCP/Azure) unless someone else is paying for them or you are getting a good discount, since credentials expire in 1-2 years and each exam costs upwards of $200. Instead, prefer long term or lifelong certifications like the Java Oracle Certified Professional.

  • Siddharth Bhatia asked about the Internet of Things (IoT) and our opinions on it

    • Prikesh Savla shared a link to https://www.home-assistant.io, which is a project for setting up a home server. He also mentioned that there are many helpful communities on Reddit to help people get started.

    • Siddharth Bhatia said that he had a smart plug, and was thinking of a way to automatically switch on and off his laptop charger to keep his battery at the optimal charge level.

    • Kartik Soneji recommended looking into Mosquitto and the MQTT protocol, that is used by most smart devices to communicate with each other.

    • Siddharth Bhatia found a great blogpost to get started https://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-cli

  • Jay Kaku and Kartik Soneji discussed on if the RISC5 instructionset was open source, and x86 was not.

    • We touched upon the difference between an interface and a product, and if an interface can be copyrighted at all.

    • This also related to the lawsuit between Google and Oracle over the Android SDKs emulating the standard Java libraries so existing packages would be compatible, and how MariaDB has almost the exact same syntax as MySQL for compatibility reasons.

  • It was Ashwin Kumar Uppala’s birthday, Happy Birthday Ashwin! 🥳

Projects Showcased

Meet Screenshot

Meet #72 screenshot

Note For all summaries, please visit catchup.ourtech.community/summary.

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We rise by lifting others.
— Robert Ingersoll
Kindness always wins.
— Selena Gomez
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller